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Focus Vehicle Rental Terms & Conditions

It is important that the customer (you) read and understand these terms before you sign the Rental Agreement, or, if you do not sign a Rental Agreement. Before the rental detailed in the Rental Agreement commences. These are the terms under which the vehicle is rented to you by Focus ("us" or "we") and on which any Insurance cover is provided for you by us.

If you are signing the Start Rental Agreement for somebody else (for example your employer), you must tell us before you do so. By signing for someone else, we will be entitled to assume you have their agreement to commit them to follow these terms and to pay all the charges and other monies. If you are not authorized to sign for someone else you will be responsible as if you signed the Rental Agreement in your own name.

Train Station - This is a meet and greet service.

1.0. Standard Insurance Excess

Standard insurance excess is £900 - 4x4 and Luxury vehicle excess is £1250 on arrival if required you can reduce the standard insurance excess. Please refer to the list below.

1.1 Option 1: Cars only - Reduction of damage liability from £900 to £0 - Does not include damage to Windscreen and Tyres

1.2 Option 2: Cars only - Reduction of damage liability from £900 to £300 - Does not include damage to Windscreen and Tyres

1.3 Option 3: Windscreen and Tyre

Options 1 and 2 are only available for Cars (not 4x4, vans, 9-seaters or Luxury Vehicles)

Prices for the above are shown on our website at time of booking.

2.0. Our Charges

2.1. Should you book and pre pay on line you must present your confirmation number in exchange for the hire

When you collect your rental vehicle you will be required to present a credit or debit card as a deposit will be required.

2.2. A Young Driver Surcharge will apply to any person over the age of 23 but under the age of 25 who is approved by us in writing to drive the vehicle.

2.3. You acknowledge that the relevant mileage is the mileage recorded from the time the Vehicle leaves the Focus Vehicle branch until its return to Focus Vehicle branch -

2.4 If the Vehicle is rented by the Customer for a continuous period in excess of 28 days a mileage allowance of 2,000 will apply per 28 day period.

Any mileage in excess of the above will result in an excess mileage charge of 0.50p + VAT per mile for all vehicles

All Hires should not exceed 90 days in total unless the vehicle paperwork is reopened by Focus Vehicle Rental.


2.5. Cancellation Charges

2.5.1. When you book your vehicle rental you are entering into a legally binding contract.

2.5.2. Focus Vehicle Rental levy a charge for cancellation of any booking you are unable to honour prior to your collection date (see below).

2.5.3. No refunds will be given for rentals ended early, late collections, no shows or cancellations made after the rental start date.

2.5.4. All cancellations must be made in writing.

2.5.5. Specialist Vehicles - Listed Below - are paid in full at the time of booking. This guarantees the specific vehicle and is non-refundable.  If a specialist vehicle is booked you will be advised, this includes all the vehicles below 

Landrover Evoque - Landrover Defender - Landrover Discovery- Range Rover Sport.

Ford Ranger Wildtrak - Ford Ranger Raptor- Toyota Hilux - Isuzu Dmax

Ford Transit Custom 6 seater - Ford Transit Tourneo 8 Seater -Ford Transit Tourneo 9 seater

Tesla 3 - Tesla Y- Volkswagen ID Buzz

BMW 530 - Audi A6

2.5.7. All bookings with the exception of Specialist vehicles above made via the Focus Vehicle Website are prepaid. These bookings are subject to an administration charge if cancelled.

1-3 Days Booking £100 charge

4-6 Days Booking £125 Charge

7 Days + Booking £150 Charge

2.5.8. Any vehicle fitted with a towbar must not be used unless agreed prior to rental starting and a valid insurance certificate in place

3.0 Insurance

3.1 Drivers must be aged between min 25 and max 75 - if over 75 we can accept the hire if you cover on your own insurance.

We can accept drivers aged between 23 and 25 with additional charges and increased excess for small cars only, must have held clean licence for 24 months.

3.2. The rental agreement shows which waiver options you have chosen. You are advised that the aforementioned waivers may be invalidated if you fail to take reasonable measures for the safety or security of the vehicle, its parts or accessories, or fail to comply with all the restrictions on the use of the vehicle or otherwise abuse or misuse it,

3.3. No waiver chosen by you gives protection against any damage caused to tyres or by reason of you hitting a bridge, car park barrier or other overhead object. You will have to pay for all losses, cost and expense caused by such damage.

3.4. The hirer is also responsible for the full cost of punctures, damage to wheels, wheel trims and tyres and any lost or damaged keys. Hirers are also responsible for ensuring correct levels of oil, water and tyre pressures.

Vehicles are only covered for use on Tarred roads. Damage to vehicles due to off-road use must be paid in full by Hirer.

Costs /damage incurred by the use of incorrect fuel must be paid for in full by the hirer.

The hirer is responsible for the damage repair amount up to the value of the compulsory excess / deposit, in respect of each and every incident involving the hired vehicle.

3.5. Hirer covering our vehicle under their own insurance will be required to produce a valid insurance policy or cover note prior to hiring.

Towing is not covered under our Insurance and a separate policy must be provided by the customer.

When the vehicle is returned/off hired the vehicle must be deemed rentable. Any rentable damage will be charged at the time of return.

Any damage deemed un-rentable, the vehicle must be kept on rent by the hirer until the vehicle is repaired and returned to Focus Vehicle Rental in a rentable condition.

Should the insurers deem the vehicle a total loss, Focus Vehicle Rental (the owners of the vehicle) will require a full settlement of the vehicle at market value. Until all monies are paid in full by the renters insurance company the vehicle will remain on hire.

Additional Equipment

For example - Trolleys or nets, these are hired at the customers own risk, any loss arising from the use of these items is not the responsibility of Focus Vehicle Rental Ltd.

By hiring additional items the customer is aware of its use and limitations.

3.6. Focus Vehicle Rental only have Insurance for the UK under no circumstances can the vehicle be taken or used outwith the UK

4.0 Liability


5.0.Restrictions on Using the Vehicle

5.1. You hereby warrant that you will not allow the following people to drive the vehicle:

5.1.1. Anyone whom we have not first approved in writing as a driver of the vehicle.

5.1.2. Anyone who has been convicted of any drink driving offence.

5.1.3. Anyone whose driving ability is affected through drink or drugs or is a person who has been convicted of driving under the influence of drugs.

5.1.4. Anyone who has been convicted of manslaughter (or in Scotland culpable homicide) or causing death by dangerous driving.

5.1.5. Anyone whose driving ability is impaired by physical or mental disability.

5.1.6. Anyone who has been convicted of any motoring (except parking offences) in the last three years unless full details have been given to us and we agree to them.

5.1.7. Anyone who has been involved in any road traffic accident in the last three years unless you give us full details and we agree to them.

5.1.8. Anyone who is not qualified to do so or does not have a valid, full driving license.

5.2. Driving License:

5.2.1. All UK residents must produce a full valid British or International driving licence held for at least two years. All UK residents must have their National Insurance Number also

5.2.2. All International hirers must provide a readable unexpired licence from their country of origin. If the licence is not in English, an international driving permit must also be provided.

5.2.3. It is the hirer's responsibility to ensure that he / she has the appropriate licence.

5.3. You must not allow the vehicle to be used:

5.3.1. For carrying fare paying passengers.

5.3.2. For hire or for other reward.

5.3.3. For driving tuition.

5.3.4. For racing, pace making, speed trials or any other sporting competitions.

5.3.5. For any illegal purpose.

5.3.6. For the carrying, keeping or concealing of any goods, materials or substances chargeable with a tax or duty which has not been paid or the payment of which is thereby sought to be avoided or in connection with the import or export of goods, materials or substances contrary to any prohibition or restriction.

5.3.7. While in an unroadworthy condition or while failing to comply with any statutory provision.

5.3.8. To tow or push any other vehicle or trailer (unless we agree to this in writing first) or in any way which contravenes the Highway Code, road traffic laws or any other laws.

5.3.9. When it is overloaded with luggage, goods or passengers.

5.3.10. For carrying corrosive, radioactive, inflammable, explosive or other harmful substances.

5.3.11. For carrying anything which, because of its smell or condition, will harm the vehicle or mean we lose time or money before we can again rent out the vehicle.

5.3.12. Taking vehicles outside the United Kingdom is NOT permitted under any circumstance.

5.4. If you do not follow these terms you will have to pay us for any charges, damages, restoration costs and expenses we have to pay and any loss you cause. You may also lose the benefits of any liability waivers you have chosen.

6.0. What to do if the vehicle is stolen or damaged or you have an accident

6.1. If the vehicle or any of its parts or accessories is stolen or damaged, by a criminal act or if it is involved in an accident in which someone is injured, you must immediately contact the local Police to report the incident.

6.2. You must telephone the rental station from which the vehicle was rented and report the incident within twenty four hours and give us the police details and any other Information we ask for.

6.3. You must telephone the rental station from which the vehicle was rented within 24 hours to report any other incident in which the vehicle was damaged.

6.4. If following any incident the vehicle is unroadworthy or dangerous it must not be used.

6.5. You must always:

6.5.1. Take the Police Crime Number and the reporting Officer's name when the police are involved.

6.5.2. Takes the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all witnesses when relevant.

6.5.3. Avoid saying or doing anything which admits that the accident was your fault.

6.5.4. Send to us at the rental station all papers and documents you receive about the accident or

Damage (including copies of any court papers and any legal documents)

6.5.5. Fill in an Accident Report Form, sign it and send it to us within 24 hours of the loss or damage otherwise the insurers may refuse to consider the claim.

6.5.6. Co-operate fully with us, the insurers and anyone else we or the insurers appoint.

6.5.7. Allow us or them to take legal action and or to enforce legal rights in your name.

6.5.8. Do anything else which we or the insurers think is reasonably necessary to help us or them enforce our or their rights for loss or damage to the vehicle, its parts or accessories while you were renting it.

6.5.9. If you receive any money in respect of loss or damage to the vehicle and/or it spares and accessories you must pay this to us and until you do, hold it as trustee for us.

6.6. Failure to comply with your obligations under section 5 of these terms and conditions will render you liable for all claims, costs and losses.


7.1. When the rental starts the vehicle will be roadworthy and fit for normal use. If it is not, or if it becomes un-roadworthy or unfit for normal use during the rental you must inform the rental station from which you rented the vehicle or telephone the emergency number shown on the rental document wallet. You will be given this at the start of your rental.

7.2. If you have followed these terms we will try to replace or repair the vehicle but we will not be liable for your own loss or damage including loss of profit or earnings unless the law says that we cannot exclude or restrict our liability to you for this.

8.0.Responsibility for the vehicle and its return

8.1. You and any driver we approve must always drive the vehicle carefully and considerately. You must not sell or lend it or allow anyone else to have or obtain any possession or rights over it. Upon return the vehicle together with all its accessories and parts must be in good repair and condition (apart from reasonable wear and tear). All damage due to your negligence will be chargeable to you notwithstanding any Excess amount procured.

8.2. Where you ask us and we agree to deliver the vehicle or to collect the vehicle, you may have to pay additional charges and follow additional instructions, a copy of our Delivery and Collection Terms and Conditions is available from any of our rental stations.

8.3. You will be responsible for the vehicle, its accessories and its parts and fully liable under these terms of rental from the moment we give you the keys, or we leave them or the vehicle at the place and time which we have arranged with you in advance. You continue to be responsible and fully liable under these terms of rental until the vehicle and keys are returned to us by handing them to our authorized representative or any other method previously approved in writing by us.

8.4. If you return the vehicle at any time outside our normal hours of business or at any other time when our representative is not available to inspect it you will be responsible for it until we do inspect it.

8.5. When you return the vehicle to us or, where we have agreed you may do so, you leave the vehicle for collection by us you must complete the details of the date and time of return, the mileage and fuel gauge reading and other information shown on the rental document wallet. You must also do anything else which we request as a condition of our agreeing to collect the vehicle. You will be responsible for continued hire charges until the vehicle is collected.

8.6. You are responsible for ensuring that any damage to the vehicle found on delivery is noted on the rental agreement. All vehicles are inspected before rental and again when they return from rental. You will be held responsible for any damage found on the vehicle following its return from rental.

8.7. If you do not return the vehicle to the agreed rental station within 29 minutes of the agreed time, or if it is not at the agreed collection point at the agreed time, you will be charged an extra day's rental for each day of part of a day that the vehicle is overdue.

8.8. Our vehicles are normally supplied with a full tank of fuel either at the start of rental, or if we have agreed to deliver the vehicle, when the delivery commences. If a vehicle is returned with less than a full tank of fuel, we will refill it, charge you for the fuel and for the refuelling service. Where we have agreed to collect a vehicle, any fuel used between the collection address and our nearest rental station is chargeable. Refuelling rates are subject to change without notice.

8.9. A Fuel Purchase Option may be available when you commence your rental at rates prevailing at the time. By purchasing a full tank of fuel at the commencement of your rental you will be relieved from the aforementioned obligation to refill the vehicle upon its return.

8.10. You must return the vehicle immediately if we ask you to, although we hope this will not be necessary. In the event that the vehicle Is not delivered up to us upon request you hereby authorize us to enter onto your premises and to do any and all other things necessary to repossess the vehicle, Any costs associated with such repossession shall be for your account, We may repossess any vehicle without notice or liability where we deem that such repossession is necessary for our own protection.

8.11. You must return the vehicle before the mileage reading exceeds the maximum allowable mileage as shown in the vehicle. Failure to do so may result in late return mileage penalties.

9.0. Responsibility for your property

9.1. We will not be responsible if your property (or anybody else's) is damaged, lost or stolen while it is in the vehicle. You are responsible for our losses and expenses caused because you leave property in the vehicle at the end of the rental.

10.0 Road Traffic Acts and other laws

10.1. While you are renting the vehicle you will be liable, as if you were the owner, for any offence committed under the Road Traffic Acts and any other relevant loss in respect of the Vehicle and its use during the rental period which results in the imposition of fixed penalties or excess charges. You hereby authorize us to pass through to you any notice or proceedings received by us relating to a period during which the vehicle was rented to you. You hereby agree to respond to and settle any notice or proceedings so received and to indemnify us against any liabilities or expenses incurred hereunder, For example, you might have to pay a fixed penalty or pay an excess charge for:

10.1.1. Driving or parking in the dark without the required lights.

10.1.2. Parking or waiting where it is not allowed.

10.1.3. Not paying the right amount for parking at a meter or in a car park. Under the Road Traffic Act 1991 - Sections 66.76. And Schedule 6 (as amended).

11.0. Charge Cards Credit Cards and Debit Cards


12.0. Other Terms

12.1. If you do not follow these terms and the vehicle or any of its parts and accessories is lost or damaged, you will be responsible. You will also be responsible for any financial loss we suffer as a result and for any relevant claims made by other people you agree to pay any amounts we spend enforcing these terms.

12.2. You (or any other authorized driver) shall not be acting as agent, servant or employee for us in any circumstances. We will be entitled to treat anyone acting or claiming to act on your Instructions as your agent. The rental is personal to you and you cannot transfer your part of any agreement.

12.3. If two or more persons are named on the Rental Agreement each of them will be jointly and severally liable in full for all our charges and for following their terms.

12.4. The entire terms between us for the rental of the vehicle are contained in the Rental Agreement and in these terms. All rentals which include delivery or collection of the vehicle are also subject to additional terms and conditions applicable to deliveries and collections.

12.5. If the vehicle is stolen, lost, destroyed or damaged during your rental, your responsibilities to us remain unchanged and continue to apply.

12.6. If you and we agree, or a court of law decides, that one of these terms is illegal, not valid, or cannot be enforced, the term in question will be changed. In meantime the rest of these terms will still apply. If we cannot change the term in question to make it valid and enforceable the rest of the terms will continue without it. In either case, the change will apply on the date we agree or the Court decision is made.

12.7. These terms can only be changed in writing by or with the written consent of a Director of Focus Vehicle Rental.